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Ever had a tooth that’s seen better days and you need a tooth crown dentist to help?

Maybe it’s cracked, badly decayed, or just looking a bit worse for wear. Enter the dental crown – the superhero cape for your tooth. It’s a custom-made cap that fits snugly over your existing tooth, restoring its shape, size, and strength.

But here’s the thing: not all crowns are created equal. That’s where a skilled tooth crown dentist comes in. They’re the artist behind your new smile, ensuring that crown fits like a glove and looks like it’s been there all along.

When Do You Need a Crown?

Let’s face it, our teeth take a beating. From that time you bit into an olive and found a pit, to years of grinding your teeth in your sleep (thanks, stress), our chompers can end up worse for wear. Here are some signs your dentist might suggest a crown:

  1. You’ve got a crack in your tooth that’s more Grand Canyon than hairline fracture.
  2. That old filling is taking up more real estate in your tooth than actual tooth.
  3. You’ve just had a root canal, and your tooth needs some extra protection.
  4. Your tooth is so discolored, it’s bringing down the whole neighborhood.
  5. You’re missing a tooth, and a dental implant needs a crown to complete the look.

Remember, a crown isn’t just about looks. It’s about saving your tooth from further damage and keeping your bite aligned. So if your dentist suggests a crown, listen up. They’re not trying to upsell you – they’re trying to save you from bigger dental headaches down the road.

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The Crown Process: What to Expect

Alright, so you and your dentist have decided a crown is in your future. What now? Here’s the play-by-play:

First up, your tooth crown dentist will give your mouth the once-over. They’ll check out the tooth in question, maybe take some x-rays, and make sure a crown is indeed the way to go.

Next comes the prep work. This is where your dentist will shape your tooth to make room for the crown. Think of it like prepping a wall before you hang a picture – you need a good foundation. They’ll remove any decay, build up the core if needed, and generally get your tooth ready for its new hat.

Then it’s impression time. Your dentist will take a mold of your prepped tooth and the surrounding teeth. This is crucial – it’s how they ensure your new crown will fit perfectly and play nice with your bite.

While your permanent crown is being crafted (usually takes a couple of weeks), you’ll get a temporary crown. It’s like the understudy – not the star of the show, but it’ll do the job until the real deal arrives.

Finally, the big day arrives. Your dentist will remove the temporary crown, check the fit and color of your new permanent crown, and if everything looks good, cement it in place.

Types of Dental Crowns

Not all crowns are created equal. Let’s break down your options:

Porcelain Crowns: These are the beauty queens of the dental world. They look just like natural teeth and are perfect for front teeth. But they can be a bit more fragile than other options.

Metal Crowns: Tough as nails, these crowns can take a beating. They’re great for back teeth where looks aren’t as important. But let’s face it, nobody wants a mouth full of metal when they smile.

Porcelain-fused-to-metal Crowns: The best of both worlds. Strong metal core with a pretty porcelain exterior. Just watch out for that telltale gray line at the gum.

Zirconia Crowns: The new kid on the block. Super strong, looks natural, and plays well with your other teeth. They’re a bit pricier, but hey, you get what you pay for.

Your tooth crown dentist will help you pick the best option based on where the crown’s going, how much tooth-grinding you do, and your budget.

Caring for Your New Crown

So you’ve got your new crown. Congrats! Now let’s keep it looking good:

Right after you get your crown, be gentle. Your mouth needs time to adjust. Stick to soft foods for a day or two.

Long-term, treat your crown like you would your natural teeth. Brush twice a day, floss daily (yes, even around the crown), and don’t skip those dental check-ups.

Here’s what to avoid:

  • Chewing ice (it’s bad for all your teeth, crowned or not)
  • Using your teeth as tools (they’re not scissors, people!)
  • Grinding your teeth (talk to your dentist about a night guard if this is an issue)

Remember, while a crown can’t get cavities, the tooth underneath it can. So keep up that oral hygiene!

tooth crown dentist in San Antonio tx

Choosing the Right Tooth Crown Dentist

Picking a tooth crown dentist is like choosing a hairstylist. You want someone with experience, skill, and an eye for detail. Here’s what to look for:

Experience matters. Ask how many crowns they’ve placed and how often they do this procedure.

Check their credentials. Are they up-to-date with the latest techniques? Do they use high-quality materials?

Look at before and after photos of their work. A good tooth crown dentist should be proud to show off their results.

Don’t be shy about asking questions. A good dentist will take the time to explain the process and address your concerns.

Red flags to watch out for:

  • Pressure to get unnecessary work done
  • Outdated technology or techniques
  • Lack of clear communication about the procedure and costs

Remember, you’re not just getting a crown, you’re investing in your smile. Choose a tooth crown dentist in San Antonio Tx who gets that.

Your Dental Crown Awaits

At Fountain of Youth Dental, we know you want a strong, beautiful smile that boosts your confidence. To achieve that, you need a skilled tooth crown dentist who can restore damaged teeth effectively.

The problem is that many people feel anxious about dental procedures or are unsure about the best treatment options, which can make you hesitant to address dental issues promptly.

We believe everyone deserves expert dental care that enhances both oral health and appearance. We understand the concerns you might have about getting a dental crown, which is why Dr. Chris Cappetta combines extensive experience with a gentle, patient-focused approach.

Here’s how we make your crown experience exceptional:

  1. Comprehensive Evaluation: We thoroughly assess your dental needs to determine if a dental crown is the best solution.
  2. Customized Treatment: We use advanced technology to create crowns that fit perfectly and blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.
  3. Ongoing Support: We provide detailed aftercare instructions and follow-up appointments to ensure your crown’s longevity.

So, don’t let damaged teeth hold you back. Schedule a consultation with with our premier San Antonio dentist, Dr. Chris Cappetta at Fountain of Youth Dental in San Antonio, TX today. You can also call us at (817) 783-0404.

And in the meantime, explore our website to learn more about our crown procedures and how they can transform your smile.

Take action now so you can stop worrying about weakened or unsightly teeth, and instead enjoy a strong, beautiful smile that lets you eat, speak, and laugh with confidence.

Fountain of Youth Dental

5282 Medical Dr. #520 San Antonio, TX 78229
Driving Directions
(817) 783-0404

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Q1: How long do dental crowns typically last?

With proper care, dental crowns can last 10-15 years or even longer. Regular dental check-ups can help ensure their longevity.

Q2: Can a crowned tooth still get cavities?

Yes, the tooth underneath the crown can still develop decay, especially at the gum line where the crown and tooth meet. Good oral hygiene is essential.

Q3: Is the process of getting a crown painful?

The procedure itself is not painful as local anesthesia is used. Some patients may experience mild sensitivity for a few days after the crown is placed.

Q4: How do I know if I need a crown or just a filling?

Your dentist will make this determination based on the extent of tooth damage. Generally, if more than 50% of the tooth is damaged, a crown is often recommended.

Q5: Are there any foods I should avoid with a dental crown?

While crowns are durable, it’s best to avoid extremely hard or sticky foods that could potentially dislodge the crown. Also, minimize sugary foods to prevent decay around the crown.

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